Meet your Councillor

Kevin Evans (Independent)
Elected Councillor & Vice Chair 2024-25
Kevin is one of three elected Councillors covering the Caerwent (Caerwent Village)
2 Cwrt Morgan
Monmouthshire NP26 5QZ
Kevin represents the council on the following sub committees.Neighbourhood Watch, Footpaths Sub Committee, Caerwent Historic Trust, Caerwent Playing Fields Working Group, Public Toilet Working Group, MCC Emergency Contacts, Social Media Working Group, Finance Sub Committee, FOI Request Working Group and Assets Management Working Group

Kay Swift (Independent)
Elected Councillor
Kay is the elected Councillor for Crick
Manor Farm
Monmouthshire. NP26 5UW
01291 431202
Kay represents the council on the following sub committees Finance Sub Committee, Footpaths Working Group, Cluster Working Group & Toilets Working Group