Serving the communities of Caerwent, Crick, Llanvair Discoed & St Brides Netherwent. Servientes autem populus Venta Silurum
List of policies covering the Community Council
Details of the terms & conditions relating to the use of this website
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 creates a public "right of access" to information held by public authorities.
Guidance Notes and Application Form for Community Council grants
Link to the County Council planning portal
Records of the Council Finances which include Annual Reports, Bank Reconciliations and Councillor Expense Claims
Document outlining the benefits of Community and Town Councils produced by One Voice Wales
This document details the requirements for being a Councillor produced by One Voice Wales
This statement explains the website status in regards to the The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018
Training Plan for Councillors and Staff