Welcome to the new look Community Council website.
We are gradually moving all our information from the previous site so some items may take some time to reappear. In particular Agenda and Minutes from historic meetings are taking a time to transfer.
We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
We hope that you find the information that you are looking for.
Reports, Agendas and Minutes of meeting will be available as soon a possible after publication and will be filed by year and month of publication
Please use the links below to access the information you are looking for.
Community Updates
January 2024
The Council have now reintroduced Face to Face meetings but have the facilities in place to allow remote access by Councillors or members of the public if needed.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month (except August) and are held at the Community Centre in Lawrence Crescent.
As previously there will be a designated 15 mins of time during the meeting for Public Participation where pre notified items are received.
We are unable to discuss matters that are not on the formal agenda so should you wish to discuss a particular issue then please contact the clerk on the address below
Contact clerk clerk@caerwentcc.com

Council Index
You will find a list of Agenda and Minutes for Council Meetings since 2001
Details of policies, legal responsibilities, Standing Orders, Finance responsibilities  and Roles
This website is dedicated to the memory of Bryan Morgan the original webmaster of this site.
He was responsible for developing and maintaining the site on behalf of the Community Council until his death in 2003.